Monday, August 1, 2011

Rules to Live By

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense. - Buddha

One of the unique things about your 20s: that is the decade when most of us decide how we will live our lives. Being a teenager is fraught with drama and misunderstanding. Anything can be everything by which I mean whatever you're stuck on at the moment (whether it's a boy, a problem with friends, or your grades/tryouts etc) is everything to you. There is nothing else.

As if that wasn't bad enough, then you go to college. Which is fun but you begin to realize that you have to start making some decisions about how to spend your time, who to spend it with, and (slightly more important) how to get and spend money. Ay there's the rub.

By the time you graduate (which is now typically 4.5-6 years later) you've lost the padding of a college class schedule and not only are there bills there are Loans to be paid. Loans with a capital L.

On top of all this you're still trying to figure out who you are, what you want to do with your life (and now the new question, what you can you do with your life and actually get paid for it) who to fall in love with, where to live and on and on and on. Try googling this topic (see Title above) and you'll get thousands of hits from funny to bucket lists you name it. Everybody has ideas on how to have the life they want.

An interesting piece of advice was given to me when I was twenty, that I should not get married until I'm 25 because you don't really know who you are until you are 25.

Well I got married (very happily so) at 25 and I think they were right, I do know who I am. I may not have figured out what I'm going to do with my life, but I have figured out certain truths or, let's just say they're "Really Good Ideas" about how to live my life.

And since everybody else is or will soon be in the same boat (you know, the one with all the giant question marks) I figured I'd share these ideas with you and see what you think. They vary from the seemingly ordinary to the big life affirming kind of ideas but I think you'll find them all to be, as I said, really good.

Remember these are just guidelines and remember what Buddha said. We'll start with seemingly ordinary:

Wherever you go, always bring a book and a sweater. Because you never know when it's going to be cold... or boring.

Memorize it, memorize it, memorize it, it's one of the truest things I've ever told anybody.

This phrase (that I made up myself) has proven to be some of the best advice I have ever given to me. The other day I put my library book in my purse and sure enough, I found myself caught in a boring situation so I whipped it out and continued reading. Alas, I did not heed all of it and was shivering in the ridiculous AC this place had because I had left my cardigan behind. Other times I'm comfy cozy but bored to tears having forgotten my book. If you had to your smart phone would, I suppose, work in a pinch but I prefer books.

The point being before you walk out the door, no matter where you're going, make sure you have a book (check) and a jacket (check). Try this for a week or so and see if it doesn't prove to be true.

Just use your best judgement and don't read just because you're bored, a lot of things can be really boring. Especially if you're still in high school or college. Trust me, professors and teachers like to think you're listening and (voice of experience) reading a book under your desk does not give this impression.

More "Really Good Ideas" to follow.

If you have any guidelines of your own leave a comment and let me know what they are!


  1. I've got an entire blog (brand new!) dedicated to this...more posts to come.

  2. Never take anything too seriously. It's a personal motto.

    I think the best way I ever hear it put was from Mark Lowry.

    "No matter where you are in your life, it will pass. Did you have a bad year last year? Hold on, it will pass. Did you have a good year last year? Hold on, it will pass. No matter what you are going through, this too shall pass."
