The next good idea is the "6 Month Theory".
Most of the challenges, questions, doubts, concerns, and changes you are facing right now will be resolved, answered, and over within the next 6 Months.
In other words: In 6 months, you'll know.
I spend a lot of my time worrying about a lot of my life. From jobs, to health, to money trouble, you name it I worry. But I realize that whatever it is that's totally throwing my world off-kilter right now will, in 6 months, be in my past and I'll have a whole new "normal" (which of course means I'll be so busy worrying about XYZ that I'll have forgotten all about ABC.)
Now I realize that there are certain things that happen in our lives that will irrevocably change us, like the death of a loved one or something of that nature. Things like that can never feel normal, it's not something you "get over" nor should it be. But you will make it through. You will.
So if you're going through something stressful right now, let me encourage you that in 6 months you'll know how it all turns out. You just don't know right now. And that's okay.
And remember, when I write this I'm mostly just reminding myself.
Disclaimer: There are certain situations that do not fall under the 6 Month Rule because they are on a different time schedule. Things like having a baby etc. We know. Just wanted to clarify that for all the smart-asses out there.
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