For the past few months I've been dealing with a lot of things. I've also been dealing with a lack of things. Then, in a moment of "frustration and despair" to quote myself in a letter I wrote to my brother, I wallowed in my self-doubt, self-pity, and of course, self-absorbed darkness.
Then I finished reading the book A Million Miles in a Thousand Years by Donald Miller. You know the one. If you haven't read it you've probably heard of it. It's good. Really good, though it has a few minor meh parts, it's still good enough to make you want to live a better story. Which is the whole point.
I'm also about to re-read Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. Yes the movie is about to come out but really, it's one of my favorite books, one that I like to have around even if I'm not reading it.
In Eat Pray Love, Gilbert talks about how every city has a word describing the essence of that particular city (in the book Rome=sex and the Vatican = power). So upon reading this I, along with everyone else wondered, what my word could be?
Here's my list of possibilities:
How I manage to be boring and neurotic at the same time is anyone's guess but I do. So, what's a girl to do about fixing herself?
Story happens when a character wants something and has to overcome obstacles to get it. Thanks Don.
I'm on a quest. I want to change my word. The obstacles are numerous. Laziness, unforgiveness, shyness, fear, doubt. I'm in good company though. Don Quixote, Cyrano de Bergerac, Louisa May Alcott.
Let's move.
I'm pretty sure I can be boring and neurotic, too. Fare thee well.