Thursday, July 8, 2010

Changing Your Word

For the past few months I've been dealing with a lot of things. I've also been dealing with a lack of things. Then, in a moment of "frustration and despair" to quote myself in a letter I wrote to my brother, I wallowed in my self-doubt, self-pity, and of course, self-absorbed darkness.

Then I finished reading the book A Million Miles in a Thousand Years by Donald Miller. You know the one. If you haven't read it you've probably heard of it. It's good. Really good, though it has a few minor meh parts, it's still good enough to make you want to live a better story. Which is the whole point.

I'm also about to re-read Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. Yes the movie is about to come out but really, it's one of my favorite books, one that I like to have around even if I'm not reading it.

In Eat Pray Love, Gilbert talks about how every city has a word describing the essence of that particular city (in the book Rome=sex and the Vatican = power). So upon reading this I, along with everyone else wondered, what my word could be?

Here's my list of possibilities:


How I manage to be boring and neurotic at the same time is anyone's guess but I do. So, what's a girl to do about fixing herself?

Story happens when a character wants something and has to overcome obstacles to get it. Thanks Don.

I'm on a quest. I want to change my word. The obstacles are numerous. Laziness, unforgiveness, shyness, fear, doubt. I'm in good company though. Don Quixote, Cyrano de Bergerac, Louisa May Alcott.

Let's move.


1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty sure I can be boring and neurotic, too. Fare thee well.
