Wednesday, December 26, 2012

It Wasn’t the End of the World

But it is now the end of the year. Friday night (12/21/12) Zach and I ate our “last meal” and watched Armageddon. Now I’m reflecting on previous posts about what I hoped to accomplish this year. Sidenote: Armageddon is a ridiculous movie. I love watching it, and yes, I shed a few tears, but geez the explosions and small town America symbolism are oozing from this film. Also, I will always love the song I Don’t Wanna Miss a Thing. Forever.

As I looked back on the year I was able to do everything I hoped, basically. Grew my hair out, check, got back into the classroom, check, moved closer to work, check, got a bike, check (riding it wasn’t actually on the list, so it happens sporadically). I watched all the movies I wanted to see, read over 70 books, went to workshops, and in the end, I’ve decided for the time being I don’t need a camera when I have Instagram on my phone because it makes everything look awesome.

If anyone is wondering how on earth I managed to read over 70 books since last January 1st there were two ingredients essential to my success: my severe underemployment for the majority of the year and my possession of a library card.

There are some things I attempted and let go of that I need to pick back up. Like finishing my Spanish course on LiveMocha (I got all the way to Unit 2 of Level 4, the highest level, before burning out). I also learned the majority of the Hebrew Alphabet and could read substantial amounts of text (with about 8% understanding of what I was reading) but as they say, I didn’t continue using it so I lost it. That’s a paraphrase, they don’t actually say that.

I also memorized the capitals and countries of Europe, Asia, North and South America and then Africa stumped me. I couldn’t wrap my mind around it. I never even got to Australia. So I need to pick that back up too. This time I’m just going to stick to countries and capitals and leave off the rivers, water bodies, and mountain ranges. It was a bit much.

Did this in Christine seem ambitious? Yes, yes it did.

So 2012 proved to be a year of many successes and some disappointments. I’m sure it was the same for you and it will be the same for all of us next year. But I want to end on a high note.

In 2012 I was really good at being Zach’s wife. We really like each other, and it’s awesome.

In 2012 I didn’t give up, I took the initiative, pounded the pavement, and got myself a job.


In 2012 I made new friends. And we all know friends are what get you through the day.

In 2012 we got our first Christmas tree and made homemade ornaments. I also carved my first pumpkin for Halloween.


In 2012 I was loved by my amazing friends and family, which really helped a lot.

In 2012 I bought a trench coat (on sale!) and I feel classy every time I wear it.

In 2012 I was accepted into a Montessori teacher training program. I didn’t begin the program because I got a public school job instead, but knowing I got accepted feels pretty good.

In 2012 I learned to bake bread from scratch, and it’s quite delicious if I do say so myself. Must make more.

In 2012 I visited Donalyn Miller’s classroom and she is fantastic.

In 2012 I started drinking water all the time. And I drink tea now, which is a big deal for me.

In 2012 I learned a great deal about myself. A very great deal.


So there’s my 12 of ‘12. I hope everyone has a wonderful New Year!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Let’s Break the Silence with Something Worth Talking About

I have been called a music snob. Actually I’m a snob about a lot of things. But yes, when it comes to music I have certain lines I won’t cross. Justin Bieber is one of those lines. I fail to see the draw. Even Zach gives him credit for selling out Madison Square Garden in 22 minutes, but I can’t give the kid props for mob mentality and a prevalent lack of musical taste in our culture.

Then some friends got me to listen to “As Long As You Love Me”.

(Haven’t heard it? Check it out.)

I’ll admit, the beat is catchy. It’s fun to drive to. It’s also fun to think about. Take the chorus for example.

As long as you love me, we could be starving, we could be homeless, we could be broke. As long as you love me, I’ll be your platinum, I’ll be your silver, I’ll be your gold.

See? Catchy. As long as I love Justin Bieber, he’ll be my everything. He’ll be like gold to me. Indeed. But what about ME Justin? What about me? Will I be your everything? Am I worth more than platinum to you? *Hint: This song is not about him being loving you at all*

But, you may say, that’s not what he means. He’s going to “be your soldier, fightin’ every minute of the day for your dreams girl”. (First line, second verse. Don’t ask me what the rest of the verse is talking about. What the heck is a Hova? And why are you bringing Destiny’s Child into this?")

Back to the “soldier/fighting for your dreams girl” part. I thought the recent push, since I dunno, 1848, was for women to fight for their own dreams? Most women don’t want to be Cinderella, they don’t want to have to wait around for a guy to do something either. Not that I don’t love fairy tales, I just don’t want to live in one. (Unless I get a sword.)

*I have to give “Big Sean” credit for actually complimenting women in his part of the song. I like the part about watering your grass.*

So while I might enjoy driving to this song after a long day when I don’t want to think about anything, I’m not so sure I would want my daughter listening to it. I’d rather pop in the Mulan soundtrack. And don’t even get me started on the other lines I won’t cross, like Miley Cyrus or the literary fallacies of Taylor Swift (let’s face it, Helen Keller could pin the tail on that donkey.) I’ll never be listening to their music long enough to reach a conclusion.

Like, never ever ever.