Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Jell-O and Smarties

I have no reason to tell anyone the following except

1. I am bored and feel like writing.
2. It takes my mind off things.
3. I seem to be on a bit of a nostalgic trend.
4. I thought about this today. Again, randomly. Well, I did eat Jell-O.

That’s right, you guessed it. Dorky quirks from my childhood.

Dorky Quirk Numero Uno:
You’ve seen Mary Poppins right? (If you haven’t then this next part will just seem gross and weird, if you have…awesome maybe and probably still gross.)

For those who haven’t seen it, a video:

Back to my childhood quirk; whenever I ate Jell-O, I would strain it through my teeth until it was liquid-like and then put it back in my spoon so I could pretend it was medicine from Mary Poppins.

So yeah....that was AWESOME...

Dorky Quirk Numero Dos:

I also used to pretend that Smarties candy were magic pills that gave you abilities, except not like super powers.  If I remember correctly it went something like

Red = beauty
Purple = smart
Green = rich
Yellow = kind
White = honesty
Orange = energy or something. I never really favored orange so it didn’t get an awesome power.


Oddly enough I never did this with Skittles or M&M’s. Probably because the powdery quality of the Smarties reminded me of vitamins, except they taste way better.

It should be noted that the effect wasn’t immediate. It was more like “Take your Smarties so you can grow up to be beautifulsmartrichkindhonest and energetic.”

Sometimes, I wish the things I thought up when I was a kid were true.


  1. When I was a kid my mom used to pack Gushers in my lunch box. I would take each one out individually and pinch it to make the juice come out. Then I would "paint my finger nails" with them and then lick it off. I feel like that sounds uuber gross when I put into writing, but it was fun and entertaining in kindergarten. :p

  2. That's awesome! A very creative use for gushers :)
    Talking about all these foods makes me want to eat them. Now I want gushers...and fruit roll ups.
