This letter might be a bit scattered so bear with me, here is everything (maybe) that I know (to be true) about love:
Everyone in the entire world wants love. Most of us have the problem of not recognizing it, not knowing where to get it, and not knowing how to do or what to do with it.
Everyone suffers from this "absence of love". If we see someone who has it, even if they don't do it well and it turns out to be the messy, gory love that dies quickly, we feel left out. Like Happiness and Satisfaction is a members only club for people with a Love Card.
Everyone is lonely.
I just conducted a survey, and of the nearly 310 million people in the U.S. alone, at least 289,411, 762 reported that at least once in their lifetime they have felt "like I will never find love".* A few you might know include myself, Samantha, Brandon, Julie, Will, Jim from the Office, Cher, Bill Nye the Science Guy, Sting, and the Artist Formerly Known as Prince. * **
Many people feel that God has predestined them for singleness and a life of celibate service for His own reasons. Most of these people who hold this belief are Christians between the ages of 15 and 35. This is, however, not biblical. No offense to the Catholic Church or to Paul, but Jesus did not come back 1,950 years ago and God never told anyone to wall themselves up in a church. God's first observation of man was that his being alone sucked and his first command to the happy couple was to have sex and make babies. God wants us to get it on with one person for the rest of our life.
We get to pick that person.
When people say love is a choice what they mean is that eventually you will get tired of someone but that you have to commit to being nice to them and putting up with all their crap when you'd rather punch them in the face. This is true. However, falling in love is also choosing to let your mind dwell on the particular aspects of someone that delight you, storing them in your subconscious and engraving a picture on your soul of who you perceive that person to be. Then you put yourself in said picture until a point is reached where happiness is being with that person in that picture. If this is taken away we respond badly.
Our thought repeat themselves down a dark path of the
No one chooses to love me romantically right now. Something must be wrong with me. I am unlovable. No one will ever love me. I am alone. I will always be alone. Something must be wrong with me. I will never find love.
The only way to lift oneself from the depths of darkness and gloom is to latch on to the truth of the first statement: no one chooses to love me romantically right now. Then there are 2 options:
1. accept the belief that this is God's gentle nudge that you should immediately join the nearest monastic community
2. keep your heart wide open and embrace whatever or whomever comes your way
The second thing to notice about this pattern is that all of the thoughts are self-centered insecurities. Please note that any and every jealousy, insecurity, and self-doubt lies in wait for the opportunity to subotage everything you know to be true. Lies in wait. Lies. In the waiting.
Alone is the place where we have to fight lies with truths.
Here's another truth: when in a relationship, they (Jealousy, Insecurity, and Self-Doubt, sometimes even Self-Loathing) are still waiting to jump you if you let them.
Sometimes if another girl is talking to Zach I have to tell Insecurity and Jealousy to f@%! off. I know that Zach and I are together because God saw that it was good. Nothing can stand against this truth.
Now there is a battle to fight. A war that will never resolve unless we, all of us, you and I, declare
I am loved
I will be loved
I will give love
I will welcome love
The two greatest commandments are for us to love God and love those around us. If we do this, in any capacity, we are on the right path.
And someday, somewhere choose someone to love, let someone choose you, become someone's One.
Until then, think happy thoughts and live your life open.
* **names have been changed to protect the innocent and also no one should take seriously any statistics or "facts" given in this blog regarding famous persons or the population of the US, other than serving as a metaphor for the general human condition.