So this weekend I went shopping with my mom for winter clothes. Not that the weather shows signs of turning anytime soon but it's always good to be prepared.
I realized on our excursion that I am not, nor is there much chance of my ever being, "trendy". I can't pull of certain looks. Saturday I tried on shirts that just were not me at all. They would look awesome on friends of mine who are more what I would call, fashion forward. I haven't found a plaid shirt yet that I both looked and felt good in, and it's been over a year since they were in style. I'm not one of the hat people (my head is too big) or the vest people (how does one pull that off?) or the big jewelry people (I wear the same jewelry every day and it's all stuff people gave me so I'm sentimental about it).
I am a scarf person. At least I have that.
The problem I foresee is that all the clothing in the women's sections is Trendy. Well, Middle Aged Trendy but still. What to do? Currently I try to shop in the Junior section without looking like a teenager. I shop at the "in-between" stores like Gap and American Eagle so I won't feel too old but not look like a girl from Hickory Tri.
The only solutions I can see are
A: Learn to sew my own clothes. Not really sure that would really help because what would I make?
B: Start wearing clothes like LOTR which I would do anyway if I could cause it would be so epic.
See the epicness?
Or C: move to India and wear saris for the rest of my life. I think this is the best option. Then no matter what age or size I grow to be I'll always be in fashion.

Aren't saris lovely?
Anyway, though I will never be a trendsetter I did stumble on an interesting site about fashion a few weeks ago. Interesting reading if you've got some time. Maybe it'll even help bring me into the next phase of my life.
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