I think everyone knows what it's like to feel stuck and everyone is afraid of being ordinary. So much so that it's getting harder and harder to be original in anything.
You see there's this contest (see video below) put on by Donald Miller and it has to do with his book A Million Miles in a Thousand Years. Which, as I've said, I read a couple of weeks ago. I've been thinking about it a lot since then, and mentioned to Zach that I'd like to read the book with him and talk about it together, about the kind of story we want to live. One of the many things I love about him is how he is a doer. Not only that but he has big dreams and he loves to talk about the stuff we want to do. I need that in my life.
I think one of the most important things you can do if you want to change is to read books that inspire you and talk to people who are passionate about what they do. Because chances are the more you put yourself around people and ideas then you too will catch fire and you will burn together.
That's why this conference Mr. Miller is having is such an interesting idea. If you've read the book you know that he takes the literary elements of a story and applies them to life and you realize how much you want to be a character in that book. So a conference of ideas and people talking about their stories should be pretty phenomenal.
So this is my entry. I always feel very awkward about trying for things, like I have to sell myself. I have to put myself out there. In fact I know that is the reason why my story has been so diminished of late, because I shrink back from the extraordinary. Who am I to win this contest? Who am I to be a writer? Who am I to do anything beyond live a quiet life?
But in spite of these censors in my head the fact remains: I do want to change my story.
I do want to have my writing published. I do want to be involved in a youth ministry. I do want to learn to speak Spanish. I do want to go on trips with this organization. I do want to be trained as a Montessori teacher within the next two years. I do want to adopt a dog. I do want to be more socially active. I do want to give my blog more direction. I do want to live in a tiny house. And yes, I do want to take Bollywood dance lessons.
I made the mistake of reading through some of the other people's entries. A lot of people like me, some angry, some frustrated, some hopeful. And it once again got me to thinking that I can't possibly be original enough, or talented enough for this to work. But then I realized that it takes courage to enter a contest like this. To so publicly but nonetheless shyly say that I'd like to win.
I'd like to go to where the burning people are.
I'm entering even though it probably won't be me. But I'm proud of myself for stepping up this time. Either way, I have a lot to look forward to this year and this is a beginning step in the direction that I'm now determined to go.
You come to.
Here's the video about the contest and the link to their website:
oh and yes, I do know the quote you're probably thinking of. The one about our deepest fear. I think I'm gonna write it and put it on my mirror or something. Repeat it to myself each morning like a prayer.