Friday, April 23, 2010

Microwave Revelation

So I've started doing this secret, slightly rebelious thing when I eat popcorn on my break at work (kettle corn is the best). I put the bag "wrong side" down. You know how they always specify "THIS SIDE UP"? Here's what I've found out:

Not only does it not matter how you put your popcorn in the microwave but 9 times out of 10 the popcorn pops better, with fewer kernels left over and less burning, than when you do it the way they tell you.

Something else I noticed on my popcorn bag today: on the instructions, it actually tells you not to use the popcorn button on your microwave. So why don't they tell the microwave people to stop making popcorn buttons instead of having contradictory statements on their packaging? Is it because the microwave people would freak out that there would be a blank space in their nice, evenly spaced appearance? Who's trying to *micromanage who here?

Lesson Learned from the Popcorn and Microwave people: Sometimes things work out better if you don't follow the rules and if you depend on someone for something but don't tell them what you need (or in some cases what you don't need) then you might both end up looking dumb.


*I realized the pun of using the term "micromanage" in this instance only after typing it.

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