Old phone:

New phone:

Hello Blackberry!
To celebrate this momentous occassion (new phone and officially becoming an adult aka not being on my parents phone plan anymore) I decided to dismember my former companion a la hammer.


Then I backed over it with my car:

It looked pretty much the same as after I smashed it with the hammer but it did make a lovely crunching sound. I made sure to put it behind the driver's side wheel so I could hear/feel it crack. Kinda morbid in a strange girl vs. technology way but all in good fun. I would have been more pleased if I could have reduced it to twisted scrap metal or had a huge hammer made of lead but still a good day.
Sometimes you just have to destroy whatever it is that's holding you back. When you are burdened by something, or go through something painful or tiring or just negative, destruction can be a great way to let go.
My friends and I in high school would get together at the end of the school year to have a bonfire and burn all our schoolwork (that we didn't want to keep. Because let's face it, I'm a nerd and I still have my AP US History notes. I love you Mrs. Andes!)
Whatever it is you need to tear up, rip apart, burn or wreck in order to move on with your life I highly recommend doing it. There's a reason that person who sings that song Before He Cheats or whatever it is (I can never remember names) does that to her ex's car. I'm not saying you should be that drastic but if you're holding on to something that reminds you of a bad experience it's time to get it out of your life.
Also, if it's something like old notes or letters or pictures etc. try ripping them to shreds first and then burning them or what have you. Watching something burn is fun but so is tearing. You know, happy thoughts.
Editor's Note: Kudos and eprops to my mom for the idea of putting it in a ziplock first and also running over it with my car. Both excellent ideas. You know me I would've just started whacking at it and gotten broken phone guts all over my pretty clothes.