so you've got a lot of free time on your hands and not much money to fill it with. maybe even no job. congratulations, millions of cubicle drones hate your guts! now is the time to live the creative life! what have you always wanted to do? are you interested in art? playing an intrument maybe? have you always dreamed of being a _______ but never had the time? get to it! there are several activities that cost little or no money at all. and if you have to buy something for your new hobby, chances are you can find a great deal on getting whatever it is secondhand. check out local colleges and universities for left over art supplies or empty practice rooms for pianos. just be sure to ask first! and many people have old cameras if you want to try photography.
dinner parties are a great way to save money and kick back a few great hours with friends. ask everyone to chip in or throw a potluck. combine it with a game night and you'll have lots of fun. most people have board games or cards lying around. and it's even more fun when it's a weekly event. i have friends who get together once a week for game night. myself and 2 other friends have what we called "two-movie-tuesdays" where we would get together and choose two movies from our dvd collections to enjoy. try to focus on the conversations and the experiences rather than "going out". think about it, usually when people hang out together they mean they eat at the same restaurant and sit next to each other for 2 hours at the movies then go home. don't get me wrong, i love movies but i'm starting to appreciate the time i've spent with good friends even more.
Healthy Lifestyle:
the next time you're grocery shopping don't buy any instant meals. buy things you actually have to cook. number one, it's generally healthier. number two, it's also usually cheaper. and number three it lasts longer. when i lived in a college dorm with a mini fridge all my food was the frozen kind that you popped in the microwave. it was expensive and boring. when i finally moved into an apartment i was amazed that i could buy food that cost less but could be used for several meals, like rice for example. it helps if you know how to cook but if you don't invite a friend over to teach you or google it, i'm sure you'll find something. if you usually work out at a gym, cancel your membership and take to the road. excercise is free and DOES NOT actually require machines. and now you don't have to walk into a room full of muscular onlookers while you sweat it out on the eliptical. and as far as conservation of water and energy goes, come already know how to "go green". unless you've been living under a rock for the past few years.
this is my favorite part! here goes...
tv- cancel cable and keep the internet! most major networks (ABC, NBC, CBS) post all their shows online the next morning. the news can be found online as well. also hulu = awesomeness.
movies - chances are you can learn to live without it. try to go to the actual cinema only if it is a movie that you are desperate to see on the big screen. (that means if your friends want to see a movie that you have no interest in whatsoever, it's perfectly ok to say no. and you'd better say no) you can wait for the dvd. and when the dvd is out you can either A: watch it at a friend's or borrow it from them, B: rent it, or C: wait about a year and you can get it for $10 or less at Blockbuster. also hulu = awesomeness
books- libraries still exist, go get a card. you have friends, borrow! or (great idea) create a community library. some friends and i who share similar interests are doing that this summer. each person writes their name in their books and then we put them all together to "check out".
shopping- you'd be suprised at what you can find at a dollar store. check it out. if you want different clothes learn to operate a sewing machine and make your own or alter what you have. swap clothes with friends.
music- mix tapes anyone? i found some of my old radio tapes from when i was in junior high and loved listening to them again. and check out online playlists that you can create for free. i love doing that. it's like itunes but i don't have to go broke. the one that i used is, the only time you can't listen to these is in the car. that's why God invented radios.
FAVORITE TIP: have you ever wanted to have better personal style or interior design but you don't have the time or the money to take classes and Stacy and Clinton are not around? use what you already own: your movie collection! i've seen so many movies where i admire a characters style or apartment. COSTUME DESIGNERS and SET DESIGNERS are the best in the business! take notes while you watch your favorite movies then look for ways to implement their styles in your own life!
i save all the change i get when i use cash and put it in a piggy bank that i give to charity. it encourages me to spend cash and i get to help someone else. those coins really add up. and yeah, i could use it to send myself on a cruise to the bahamas (in 10 years) or i could take that small bit and send it where it's needed. even if you just spare a couple of small bills to give to someone on the street it will do good. you'll feel good too :)
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