I think, honestly, the reason I didn't even try to figure it out sooner was because it would mean I'm actually doing something instead of thinking about it.
Example: I started 2 blogs, but didn't do much with them. This attempt was renewed around the time I saw the movie Julie&Julia. When you watch that movie it makes you want to do 1 or all of three things; move to another country, cook something, start a blog. But if you've noticed, my posts have been few and far between. There are so many things that I want to do in life but never try. Why am I like this?
Because the movie of my life in my head is so much easier. I recently had a conversation with the guy I'm in love with about the possibility of moving abroad. And to be truthful, the idea scares the living crap out of me. In my head I am adventurous, carefree, cultured, admired by everyone I meet. My real life is barely anything resembling this fantasy. I am a thinker, a dreamer, a person of many words but who doesn't talk much about all the weird stuff that goes on in her head.
My boyfriend is a doer, a try-it-outer, a what-the-heck-sounds-like-fun kinda guy. I like to think that God put us together to balance each other out. Put it this way, he challanges me to go beyond my comfort zone.
So my new year resolution? It might take a lifetime.
To be a life doer, a thought sharer, a new tryer, a courage writer, moment soaker, now liver, space maker, people lover, beauty seer, time giver, truth chaser, love catcher, dream singer, joy laugher, norm changer, planet traveler, God shower, peace bringer, fear smasher.
Haha, have i mentioned that I'm an idealist? Aim high.
And you, dear blog, whether anyone reads you or not, will be part of my journey.